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The knowledge transfer project will be part of the AquaticPollutants family and accompany its eighteen research and innovation projects.


The knowledge transfer project will be part of the AquaticPollutants family and accompany its eighteen research and innovation projects.




  • Ongoing


Project website

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May 2021 - May 2024

Type of action

Joint Call

External partners

JPI Water


Project description

The Transfer Project was awarded funding after a separate knowledge transfer call by Sweden (SRC), Germany (BMBF) and France (ANR) in support of the broader AquaticPollutants 2020 Joint Transnational Call. The objective of this novel type of call was to realize a better and wider dissemination, develop new innovative methods to support the transfer of research and the uptake of results into the public and administrative sector, policy, industry or economy. 

As part of the AquaticPollutants projects’ family of eighteen R&I projects, the knowledge transfer projects aims to: 

  • improve stakeholders’ & citizens’ perception through active involvement in the reduction of aquatic pollutants in the water cycle,
  • bring aquatic pollutants to the public’s attention and improve social impact awareness and understanding of the advantages in their reduction,
  • realise the above by using innovative tools and by implementing engagement activities around the AquaticPollutants projects to foster societal embedding

To support knowledge transfer, scientific networking, and public engagement on aquatic pollutants, the key objectives of the new project are:

  • identification of key stakeholders and their knowledge gaps,
  • development of innovative approaches for enhanced knowledge transfer and exchange,
  • create synergies amongst the AquaticPollutants projects and strengthen stakeholder collaboration,
  • foster the knowledge transfer from the research projects to stakeholders and its uptake,
  • implementation of multiple dissemination and exploitation routes with thematic (non-scientific) groups, political fora, scientific networks and citizens.

The transfer project consists of two interacting phases: 

  • Phase one aims (a) to identify key stakeholders and knowledge demands relevant to aquatic pollutants and (b) to develop innovative methods/strategies/tools to improve the transfer of scientific knowledge on aquatic pollutants to policy makers, the public, the health, agricultural and industrial sectors. 
  • The aim of phase two is (a) to create added value by cooperation among the AquaticPollutants projects, (b) to strengthen collaboration with stakeholders and (c) implement innovative methods and channels for strategic transfer exploitation and uptake of results by communication to reach the relevant identified stakeholder groups. 

Thus, AquaticPollutantsTransNet will follow a tailored dissemination, exploitation and knowledge transfer strategy with multiple dissemination and exploitation routes integrating standardisation, thematic expert groups, political fora, scientific networks and the public. 


The AquaticPollutantsTransNet team consists of partners from France (BRGM - French Geological Survey, ACTeon environment), Germany (DECHEMA – Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, ISOE – Institute for Socio-Ecological Research (subcontractor)) and Sweden (IVL - IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute). Contact: Thomas Track, Head of Water Management, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/Main, Germany