Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Company number: 0691.970.779
D.U.N.S. number: 371623105
The administrator of the AISBL is Thorsten Kiefer.
- +32 (0)2 626 16 60
- Send us a message
JPI Oceans has a permanent secretariat, both seconded from member organisations and directly associated with the secretariat. The secretariat supports the Management Board and the activities of JPI Oceans.
Lavinia Giulia Pomarico
Science-policy advisor
How to reach the JPI Oceans secretariat
The fastest option is a train to Bruxelles-Central or Bruxelles-Luxemburg (18 minutes). Trains with destination to Dinant or Charleroi Sud both pass by the Brussels-Luxemburg station. Both stations are located within about 5-10 minute walking distance from the JPI Oceans secretariat.
The second option is to take a bus. The bus station is located on level 0, one floor down from the arrivals hall. From Monday to Friday 8 pm the Airport Line is operated as an express service with number 12 and only serves the major stops. On weekdays after 8 pm and the whole day on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, the Airport Line is operating as a regular service with number 21, serving all stops. The route takes approximately 40 minutes. The stop Luxembourg/Luxemburg (outside the European Parliament) is the end of the line.
Both Gare Bruxelles-Central and Gare Bruxelles-Luxembourg (Station Brussel-Luxemburg), the train station underneath the European Parliament, is in walking distance (5-10 minutes) from the secretariat.