The Oceans Get-Together takes place at the JPI Oceans secretariat (Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels) starting from 12.00. The goal is to bring together the marine and maritime R&I community in Brussels and meet in an informal atmosphere to exchange ideas and information about ocean related matters. As part of the November edition of the Oceans Get Together, there will be a short presentation about the JPI Oceans Knowledge Hub on Integrated assessment of the effects of new (and existing) pollutants.
The Knowledge Hub is a network consisting of selected experts from JPI member countries. It will look into the need to improve the methodological basis for chemical status assessment of marine waters, e.g. by focusing on increasing the efficiency of integrated assessment methodologies. The Hub will be holding its’ third meeting to work on its’ activities to deliver integrated advice to the JPI Oceans Management Board on the topic.
If you are interested to attend the Oceans Get-Together, please send an email to