The projects RESPONSE and FACTS were both funded through JPI Oceans’ second joint call of the Joint Action Ecological Aspects of Microplastics, in 2018. RESPONSE works towards a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems, while FACTS studies fluxes and fate of microplastics in Northern European waters.
The two projects are conducting a joint sampling activity to estimate the abundance and composition of microplastic particles above 10 µm and their associated pollutants such as plastic additives and absorbed organic pollutants) in coastal waters. A key factor in obtaining comparable data in microplastic pollution research is the harmonization of sampling and analytical techniques. In their joint sampling and analysis campaigns, RESPONSE and FACTS therefore use a new plastic-free pump-filter system and common analytical protocols.
More than 60 samples from coastal waters in five different EU countries have been successfully collected and the analysis of both MPs and associated pollutants will be conducted in the following months.
At JPI Oceans, we are very pleased that our core idea of value addition though collaboration is also realised between projects from our joint calls.
For more details, you can find the original version of this article here on the RESPONSE website.
Photo: Anna Rotander pictured on field sampling activities in Sweden, with UFO device (Credit: RESPONSE project)