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Multi-use floating offshore topside structure for Wind energy


Multi-use floating offshore topside structure for Wind energy




  • Ongoing



€ 1,500,000


Jul 2022 - Jul 2025

Type of action

Joint Call

Project Abstract

The MuWin project focuses on the development of a comprehensive and cost competitive multiple-purpose offshore sub-station placed on a TLP sub-station for floating offshore wind applications. The ideal of MuWin is to develop a modular, standardised and scalable platform design that can be customised for different potential floating offshore wind sites all over Europe. The sub-station consists of a TLP sub-structure, an interface and a topside with three different purposes:

  • Transformation of alternating current (AC)
  • Conversion of AC to direct current (DC)
  • Producing and storing hydrogen (H2)

Due to the modular approach ("LEGO® block concept"), the platform purposes must be combined in a customised way. This project focuses on five main parts regarding the sub-station development. The first part of MuWin is to develop a unique design base matrix covering the platform design requirements for all relevant potential offshore wind sites in Europe. This matrix will connect relevant metocean and soil data as well as platform requirements resulting from international standards and platform equipment requirements like restrictions due to motions and accelerations. Part 2 is the development of the modulised and scalable multi-purpose topside up to FEED level. It includes the development of a hydrogen production and storage unit. The third part will see the development of the TLP substructure including the interface between TLP and topside. The interface also functions as the platform cable deck and shall also allow topside installation on fixed sub-structures for shallow water application. To develop the platform system up to TRL 5-6, extensive scaled tests will be performed during step 4. The final step is to develop a business case for MuWin and to benchmark it against current sub-station solutions to show the large benefits of MuWin for the advancement of floating offshore wind energy within the next decade.



Dr Frank Adam, GICON Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH, Germany



GICON Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH, Germany

Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Poland

University of Rostock, Germany

PROJMORS Sp. z o.o., Poland

APEX Energy Teterow GmbH, Germany