Brussels, 8 March 2024 – Fifth instalment of the European Ocean Days, the “Ocean Literacy in Action” event was hosted by DG MARE and the EU4Ocean coalition, with support from IOC/UNESCO. Guided by master of ceremonies Lavinia Giulia Pomarico from JPI Oceans, speakers showcased the significance of Ocean Literacy initiatives in Europe and beyond. Panel discussions and interactive sessions were centred around creating a deeper understanding of the ocean's pivotal role in our lives.
At the event, JPI Oceans showcased the ANDROMEDA project, which addresses the pervasive issue of microplastic pollution in marine environments. The ANDROMEDA citizen science mobile app was presented with an interactive booth session simulating the app’s functioning, complete with sand and microplastic samples to offer hands-on engagement.
Invited speakers exchanged views on challenges and solutions in bringing ocean education to classrooms. Guided by session moderator Lisa Picatto from JPI Oceans, panellists defined the role of Ocean Literacy as a pre-condition for a sustainable blue economy. They discussed competencies required to deliver sustainability and their current state of play in different sectors and across coastal communities. The professional diversity of the session provoked innovative solutions through the lenses of journalists, artists and climate activists on how to engage the wider public in Ocean Literacy.
The event spotlighted the collective achievements of the EU4Ocean coalition and its three pillars: its platform, the Youth4Ocean Forum, and the Network of Blue Schools. Each panel discussion was moderated by early career ocean professionals (ECOPs), from Young Ocean Advocates to EurOcean’s Youth Ambassador, ensuring their active engagement in the event and providing them with a platform to amplify their voices. EU4Ocean Young Ocean Advocates were also included in a conversation with the Director-General of DG MARE Charlina Vitcheva. She highlighted the fundamental contribution of all women who work for the ocean and in the blue economy sector – a timely reminder as the Ocean Literacy event fell on International Women's Day.
Throughout the day, participants exchanged ideas, shared best practices, and pledged commitments to further advance Ocean Literacy efforts globally, beyond the cultural context of Europe.