The Knowledge Hub S4GES addresses the challenge of assessing ocean health, defined as Good Environmental Status (GES) by the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). It aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of monitoring GES and interventions at national and EU levels. A group of experts from 11 EU organisations have tested this approach over the last two years, implementing a campaign on board the RV Belgica and analysing the data collected.
On 1-2 February 2024, JPI Oceans will hold a S4GES workshop in Brussels entitled 'Results and the way forward'. The workshop will involve the participating experts, country representatives, and key stakeholders such as responsible authorities for MSFD, EU institutions, Regional Sea Conventions, and infrastructure operators.
The two main goals will be (1) to present scientific results that could lay the ground for revising the approach for observing and monitoring GES, and (2) to discuss the next steps of the Joint Action, focusing on strategic interventions, resource allocation, and the shared use of infrastructures.
Participation is by invitation only.