JPI Oceans offers interested stakeholders the opportunity to bring new ideas for Joint Actions to the attention of our members. Do you want to inspire the international research agenda in the marine and maritime domain with your ideas for a new pan-European Joint Action?
As in the previous year, JPI Oceans offers interested stakeholders the opportunity to bring innovative ideas and emerging topics to the attention of our member countries. Which topic do you propose should be explored through trans-national R&I, how could a related Joint Action be implemented, and where can JPI Oceans add value and complementarity to existing efforts? Let us know, keeping in mind that novelty is a particularly appreciated trait in JPI Oceans.
Each year we can explore 1-2 new topics for adoption as a Joint Action. Last year, two of the submitted ideas were selected as scoping actions: "European Marina Network" and "Offshore Freshened Groundwater."
Ideas for new JPI Oceans Joint Actions should fall under the thematic scope of the JPI Oceans Strategy Framework 2021-2025 and should be a novel contribution to our portfolio of activities.
For an idea to be developed further by JPI Oceans, at least one of our member countries needs to be willing to lead the further scoping and later implementation, at least four of the member countries need to approve and support the activity, and JPI Oceans needs to have the necessary management resources.
Submitted ideas will be pre-screened for their feasibility and then considered for discussion by our Management Board. Deadline for submissions: 1 February 2024.