Aims and Objectives | JPI OCEANS

Aims and Objectives

CSA Oceans 2 aims to support the implementation of JPI Oceans' Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. It will support the Management Board in implementing actions and other activities.


JPI Oceans has completed its planning phase and will now focus on coordinating actions to address the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda; the CSA Oceans 2 project will support this process.

The objectives of CSA Oceans 2 are:

  • to facilitate the design, implementation and management the actions of JPI Oceans;
  • to support the Member Countries in selecting and developing the right tools to implement the actions of JPI Oceans;
  • to provide a framework for monitoring and evaluating the impact of JPI Oceans' actions;
  • to promote cooperation between JPI Oceans and relevant national, European and international actors in the field of marine and maritime research.These include funding agencies and ministries, the research performing organisations, industry, civil society, policy makers;
  • to conduct thematic foresight exercises and design a process to update the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Implementation Plan;
  • to develop an information management system for JPI Oceans;
  • to develop specific communication and outreach materials and organise events for the JPI Oceans and the CSA Oceans 2 project.


Work Packages

The work of CSA Oceans 2 will be conducted by five work packages. Each work package has a specific focus and will drawn on the expertise of multiple partners. These work packages are:

  • WP1: Consortium coordination and management
  • WP2: Efficient Implementation of JPI actions
  • WP3: Connectivity to support implementation
  • WP4: Forward looking activities
  • WP5: Develop information management and outreach tools to support JPI Oceans implementation and networking



CSA Oceans 2 Steering Board

The CSA Oceans 2 Steering Board will be constituted of all the members of the Management Board of JPI Oceans.This body will approve all the deliverables of the project before transmission to the EC and it will also provide strategic advice on relevant issues regarding the progress of CSA Oceans 2 in supporting the implementation of JPI Oceans joint actions.

CSA Oceans 2 Committee

The CSA Oceans 2 Committee, chaired by the Coordinator, will be composed of a representative of all the CSA Oceans 2 partners and the Chair (DEFRA) and Vice-Chair (MINECO) of the ExCom of JPI Oceans and the Director of the JPI Oceans Secretariat (RCN).
This body will run the main activities of CSA Oceans 2 project. It will be the executive part of the project, will manage its operation and implementation according to the pre-defined work plan and will bring issues to the attention and decision of the CSA Oceans 2 Steering Board.


JPI Oceans AISBL  •   Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)2 626 16 60   •
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