JPI Oceans Strategy 2015 - 2020 | JPI OCEANS

JPI Oceans Strategy 2015 - 2020

The strategy of JPI Oceans is defined by its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) which was published in May 2015. The SRIA presents ten Strategic Areas, developed and agreed by JPI Oceans (with the support of CSA Oceans) as strategic priorities for marine and maritime research in Europe.

The ten strategic areas are: 

  1. Exploring Deep Sea Resources
  2. Technology and Sensor Developments
  3. Science Support to Coastal and Maritime Planning and Management
  4. Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing
  5. Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status
  6. Observing, Modelling and Predicting Oceans State and Processes
  7. Climate Change Impact on Physical and Biological Ocean Processes
  8. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems
  9. Food Security and Safety Driving Innovation in a Changing World
  10. Use of Marine Biological Resources through Development and Application of Biotechnology

In addition to the Strategic Areas, three cross-cutting issues have been identified where JPI Oceans can add value in the European landscape. 

  1. Science-Policy Interface
  2. Human Capacity Building
  3. Infrastructures

The activities to be undertaken within these strategic areas can be categorised into three types of measures needed to transform the research and innovation landscape. These actions will continuously be assessed at the governance and the individual project level.

Policy measures

Policy measures are aimed at facilitating alignment and coordination at the level of Member Countries. These are the strategic processes of engagement, horizon scanning and information exchange between Member Countries and stakeholders that identify shared priorities and lay the foundations necessary to initiate structuring measures or Pilot Actions. They may also constitute independent actions for coordination and alignment at an intergovernmental level.

Structuring measures

Structuring measures are the specific activities to achieve the objectives of JPI Oceans’ actions. Structuring measures will also address emerging research areas by bringing the users and producers of knowledge together, address gaps and fragmentation, share best practices and take actions to create an appropriate research and innovation landscape in Europe.

Pilot actions

Pilot Actions provide a method to test experimental ERA tools on a smaller scale before possibly entering into full implementation. They have emerged as a way for JPI Oceans to launch activities early and to demonstrate the benefits of different types of joint actions
within the framework of JPI Oceans.


JPI Oceans AISBL  •   Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)2 626 16 60   •
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