Work Packages
WP1: Consortium coordination and management (Lead: BELSPO)
Work Package 1 will provide effective management of the consortium and its activities to ensure that the project progresses in conformity with the work plan. This WP will also ensure the close relationship and interaction between CSA Oceans 2 and the JPI Oceans and its structures namely the Management Board (MB), Executive Committee (ExCom), Strategic Advisory Board (STAB) and the JPI Oceans Secretariat and hence the Member States taking forward actions under the JPI Oceans process.
M1.1 Preparation and organisation of CSA Oceans committee meetings (months 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36)
M1.2 Preparation and organisation of Steering Board meetings (months 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36)
WP 2 Efficient Implementation of JPI Oceans' actions (Lead: MINECO, Co-lead: BELSPO)
Work Package 2 will facilitate the implementation of joint transnational actions and will guide the Member Countries towards the best fit for purpose tools to implement the joint actions. It will also analyse and develop new tools for cooperation. Finally this WP will propose procedures for the monitoring, evaluation and assessment of the actions.
M2.1 Individual workshops (step 1) of the 6 agreed joint actions (months 6, 8, 10)
M2.2 Full operationalization of the JPI Oceans toolkit (month 12)
M2.3 Preparation workshops for new joint actions (months 24, 30)
M2.4 Toolkit updated (month 35)
WP3 Connectivity to support implementation (Lead: RCN, Co-lead: PTJ)
Work Package 3 will contribute to alignment and cost effective value added activities in line with the SRIA of JPI Oceans. This will be done by maintaining and further developing fruitful relationships ensuring connectivity, visibility and exploiting synergies with the different relevant actors in the field of marine and maritime sciences. These are the research funding organisations (RFO) and Ministries, the research performing organisations (RPO), industry and funding organisations outside the EU. Also to maximize the knowledge outcome of activities by identifying and engaging the users and producers of research in the design and execution of the actions.
M3.1 Workshops with research performing organisations (months 5, 17, 29)
M3.2 Workshops with RFO and Ministries (months 7, 23, 29)
M3.3 Missions in (non) MB countries (months 7, 23, 29)
M3.4 Workshops with international partners (months 11, 23, 31)
WP4 Forward-looking activities (Lead: KDM, Co-lead: IFD)
Work package 4 will conducting thematic foresight exercises in areas and fields which the Management Board of JPI Oceans considers appropriate. It will also look at the processes through which JPI Oceans will update and develop its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Implementation Plan in the future for consideration by the JPI Oceans Management Board. In coordination with WPs 1 and 2, WP4 will involve the JPI Oceans Management Board (or ExCom) and Strategic Advisory Board and regular interaction with these boards is planned, to present the progress and results of the CSA Oceans project and to discuss potential next steps in this regard.
M4.1 Workshop and Consultation Process with a dedicated Working Group of the JPI Management Board to settle mechanisms and procedures by which the CSA can in the most effective way support the updating of the SRIA and IPlan (month 6).
M4.2 Workshop with JPI Oceans Management Board and Strategic Advisory Board to decide which JPI processes could be supported by WP4 and with which partners JPI Oceans should cooperate more systematically in forward looking activities (month 7).
M4.3 Workshop with JPI Oceans Management Board and Strategic Advisory Board to review progress in foresight support to JPI Oceans (month 16).
M.4.4 Procedural support to Management Board in the updating of the SRIA and IPlan (month 36).
WP5 Develop information management and outreach tools to support JPI Oceans implementation and networking (Lead: VLIZ, Co-lead: IFREMER)
Work Package 5 will create new and develop existing communication and outreach tools. The work package aims to enable access to information, data and research results from the JPI Oceans’ actions. WP5 will also work with other WPs within the CSA Oceans 2 to ensure that outputs from other work packages are presented in the most optimal format.
M5.1 New CSA Oceans 2 section on JPI Oceans website online (month 1) This proposal version was submitted by David COX on 11/06/2015 12:04:52 CET. Issued by the Participant Portal Submission Service.
CSA Oceans 2 32
M5.2 General outline and concept information management system presented to JPI Oceans Management Board (month 5)
M5.3 Dedicated briefing (months 10, 26, 34)
M5.4 Second JPI Oceans Conference (month 18)
There are certain overlaps between the work packages needed to meet the objectives of CSA Oceans 2.