Work packages | JPI OCEANS

Work packages

Within CSA Oceans, nine different work packages contribute to the support of JPI Oceans. While their work feeds directly into the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Implementation plan of JPI Oceans, their overarching objective is to build the momentum for a long term European partnership, thereby making JPI Oceans self-sustained.

WP1: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, Implementation Plan and tools (Leader: RCN)

Work Package 1 will assure the overall coherence of the project outputs and ensure that the deliverables put forward correspond to the actual needs of JPI Oceans. It will deliver a draft of the strategic (SRIA) and operational (Toolkit) functioning as well as implementation (IPlan) of JPI Oceans. It will do so by drawing from the mapping and gap analyses (WP3, 4, 5 and 6), the guidelines for cross-border activities (WP2) and a JPI Oceans Foresight process design (WP7). This will form the basis for pilot actions.


WP2: Peer review, evaluation procedures, cross-border actions and joint calls (Leader: CNR)

Work Package 2 will gather information and analyse existing procedures and best practices for selecting, implementing and evaluating cross-border activities relevant to JPI Oceans needs and objectives. The aim is to consider the options and draft guidelines and procedures for the JPI Oceans cross-border activities. The outputs will feed into JPI Oceans management structure and procedures.


WP3: Scientific needs, gaps and overlaps (Leader: MINECO)

Work Package 3 will conduct a comprehensive mapping and analysis of the existing marine research investments, strategies and programmes relevant to JPI Oceans needs and objectives. The outputs of WP3 will highlight strengths, weaknesses, gaps and overlaps in marine scientific knowledge and research activities at EU level, which need to be addressed in the context of JPI Oceans.


WP4: Barriers to science base innovation (Leader: JÜLICH)

Work Package 4 will identify key barriers to innovation and blue growth in Europe. To this end, WP4 will start with compiling an overview of available funding mechanisms in member countries participating in JPI Oceans. Based on an analysis of IPR rules and legislative barriers, WP4 will recommend pragmatic and ready-to-use solutions to boost innovation. The main expected outcome of this WP is the identification of economic and technological trends and drivers in order to target the development of new technologies and eco-solutions that can boost competitiveness of European maritime industries.


WP5: Options for a science to policy mechanism (Leader: NERC)

Work Package 5 will gather relevant information and evaluate existing and potential scientific advisory mechanisms and approaches for translating and transferring scientific knowledge to policy makers and advisors. WP5 will furthermore analyse best practices and routes for knowledge transfer including existing mechanisms for optional solutions.


WP6: Ocean observation, research infrastructures and capacity building (Leader: Ifremer)

Work Package 6 will deliver optional solutions to overcome some of the major gaps, needs and overlaps related to marine research infrastructures, data collection, human resources and capacity building. This will allow to identify where JPI Oceans can add value by providing input to the development of the SRIA in WP1.


WP7: Designing a foresight process (Leader: KDM)

Work Package 7 will deliver a foresight design process by identifying, analysing and discussing major relevant processes and institutions devoted to strategic foresight activities. Foresights are important tools to feed JPI Oceans development well beyond the lifetime of CSA Oceans.


WP8: Communication, dissemination and outreach (Leader: VLIZ)

Work Package 8 will ensure the development and implementation of an appropriate communication, dissemination and outreach structure to support the activities of the CSA Oceans project and JPI Oceans. This WP will facilitate the communication between project partners, between the project and JPI Oceans governance structures and coordinate all communication from the project and JPI Oceans towards specific stakeholders and the public at large. Moreover, all communication activities will be facilitated and supported by the secretariat.


WP9: Project and consortium management (Leader: RCN)

Work Package 9 will aim at providing effective and efficient management of the consortium and activities as planned in all WPs. Thus, WP9 will deal with the management and coordination of the project, including administrative, financial, legal, contractual and ethical issues. Moreover, WP9 will overlook all gender issues in the project and promote gender equality. WP9 will be a liaison between CSA Oceans, JPI Oceans and JPI Oceans secretariat; managing smooth coordination of timelines, milestones, events and deliverables between CSA and JPI Oceans.


JPI Oceans AISBL  •   Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)2 626 16 60   •
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