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Marine Plasmids Driving the Spread of Antibiotic Resistances.


Marine Plasmids Driving the Spread of Antibiotic Resistances.




  • Ongoing


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Sep 2021 - Sep 2024

Type of action

Joint Call


Marine Plasmids Driving the Spread of Antibiotic Resistances

Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are one of the most challenging contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Instead of being directly produced by human activity, ARGs emerge as consequence of antibiotic use in clinical settings, and residual antibiotic contamination. ARGs spread through horizontal gene transfer and conjugative plasmids, because their ability to cross inter-species barriers are key in this process.
Recent findings revealed the existence of marine plasmids (MAPS) of global distribution and broad host range. These MAPS can transmit ARGs across oceanic distances and may reintroduce them to human food chains via marine products. They are, however, different to classical plasmids from clinical settings.
MAPMAR uses metagenomics, data science and single-cell sequencing to obtain a catalog of most prevalent and transmissible MAPs. By testing methods to block their transmission, MAPMAR explores strategies to curtail the risk of oceans acting as highways for ARG propagation.

Expected research results

  • Identification of plasmids involved in the transmission of antibiotic resistances in the marine environment;
  • Assesment of the risk of antibiotic resistance propagation through marine plasmids to the environment;
  • Assesment  of the risk of antibiotic resistance propagation through marine plasmids to humans through the food chain;
  • Assesment of the efficiency of conjugation inhibitors in preventing antibiotic resistance propagation in mariculture activities.
Project consortium

Project coordinator: Fernando DE LA CRUZ

University of Cantabria, Institute for Biomedicine and Biotechnology (UC)  - Spain

Communication contact: Raul FERNANDEZ LOPEZ - fernandr(at)


Dr Shay Tal, National Center for Mariculture (NCM), Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Israel

Prof. Dr Anne-Kristin Kaster, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Biological Interfaces, Germany