MarTERA launched the third transnational call for collaborative research projects in 2020. This call had been jointly initiated by funding organisations from 11 countries. Following the ranking of full proposals by the International Expert Panel, the MarTERA Steering Committee recommended 9 full proposals for funding. The selected projects have successfully started in (late) summer 2021, receiving public funds from the national/regional funding organisations involved.
The funded projects are:
- ADRIATIC, CooperAtion unDerwater foR effIcient operATions vehICles
- AMMOTRACe, Marine AMMunitiOn dump site exploration by surface- and underwater-based laser mass spectrometric TRACing technology
- BIOGLIDER, Autonomous Exploration and Monitoring of Marine Ecosystems
- DeMARC, Design of MArine and River Cleaner
- MARINAL, Safe use of aluminium in marine multi-material constructions
- MMSUV, Sailing Unmanned Vehicle for Marine Monitoring
- MOBILTOX, Portable biosensor coupled with a sampling drone for the in situ assessment of seawater toxicity
- ProBaNNt, Professional intelligent munitions assessment using 3D reconstructions and Bayesian Neural Networks
- UNDINA, UNderwater robotics with multi-moDal communIcation and Network-Aided positioning system
To read more about the projects, visit the MarTERA 2020 Call project page.
The overall goal of the MarTERA Cofund is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies and Blue Growth. MarTERA resulted from the collaboration between JPI Oceans and former ERA-NET MARTEC. The consortium launched its third joint call in January 2020. This call was initiated by the ministries and/or funding organisations of the following countries: Belgium, Belarus, France, Germany, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, South Africa and Turkey.
Technology developments in the following priority areas are supported:
- Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
- Innovative concepts for ships and offshore structures
- Automation, sensors, monitoring and observations
- Advanced manufacturing and production
- Safety and security