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MMinE-SwEEPER: Munitions Mitigation and Environmental Safety in European Waters

The Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action addresses the broad and complex challenges of munition in the sea and its mitigation.


MMinE-SwEEPER brings together a consortium of experts across domains or research, maritime safety and industry to advance capabilities in detecting, classifying, neutralising, and disposing of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and dumped munitions in European waters, ensuring improved safety, environmental sustainability, and long-term remediation.




  • Launched

MMinE-SwEEPER is a 42-month Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action that tackles the urgent problem of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and dumped munitions in European waters. The multidisciplinary consortium aims to enhance Europe's capabilities in munitions detection, classification, neutralisation, and safe disposal. The expected longer-term impact of MMinE-SwEEPER is to enhance the safety of maritime activities and the protection of marine ecosystems from munitions-related threats. By leveraging advanced robotic applications, AI-supported data analysis, and new imaging technologies, MMinE-SwEEPER will develop practical and environmentally sound solutions to the threat posed by UXO and dumped munitions, ensuring the safety of maritime operations and environmental protection. In addition, the project aims to strengthen European collaboration and foster knowledge exchange on managing marine munitions, building on JPI Oceans’ Munition Portal as its central information hub. 


MMinE-SwEEPER addresses five overarching objectives, which reflect the ambitious scope of the project:

  • Compile and synthesise existing knowledge and management approaches for marine munitions across European countries and stakeholders.
  • Advance technologies for robotic systems, 3D imaging, and AI-supported data analysis to enhance munitions detection, classification, and neutralisation.
  • Conduct trials and use-case surveys across European waters to test and validate new technologies under real conditions.
  • Strengthen cooperation and build capacity across Europe by disseminating knowledge and offering training to key stakeholders.
  • Promote European collaboration on marine munitions management, presenting and implementing sustainable, feasible solutions for UXO remediation. 
JPI Oceans’ role in MMinE-SwEEPER

JPI Oceans is leading the Communication, Knowledge Transfer, and Capacity Building work package, combining tasks focused on immediate project communication and long-term distribution of knowledge, cooperation, and capacity building. As such, JPI Oceans fosters collaboration and ensures that the latest scientific knowledge and technological innovations are shared between different stakeholders across Europe. The munition information portal developed by JPI Oceans’ Munition in the Sea Knowledge Hub is used as the central knowledge transfer tool, to disseminate project results and training opportunities, and to integrate new partners into the European network addressing marine munitions challenges. Furthermore, the information portal aims to guide policy-making and operational endeavors concerning underwater munition.  

Why is this important?

The issue of UXO and dumped munitions poses significant risks to maritime safety, environmental health, and public security. As a critical pressure on marine ecosystems, munitions must be removed to ensure the sustainable use of our ocean. MMinE-SwEEPER’s focus on advancing detection, classification, and remediation technologies leads to more effective, safer, and environmentally responsible solutions to these threats. By acting now, we can mitigate the future costs and risks associated with deteriorating munitions in marine environments. Moreover, the project contributes to the security and safety of maritime economic operators, EU citizens, and the environment.