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New JPI Oceans Joint Call on Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES)

With the support of Belgium, Italy, Malta and Ireland, JPI Oceans aims to advance scientific knowledge and methodologies supporting the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation through process-based approaches to environmental status assessment.




  • Launched
  • Evaluation full proposals
  • Project selection
  • Ongoing



€ 950,000


Feb 2025 - Sep 2028

Type of action

Joint Call, Infrastructure Sharing

Participating countries


The scope of this joint call builds upon the successful pilot phase of S4GES, which demonstrated the effectiveness of process-based sampling approaches for marine environmental assessment. The conceptual framework was particularly well-received, with Belgium already incorporating elements into their national monitoring strategy.

This joint call addresses critical knowledge gaps and enhances the scientific basis underpinning the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). By consolidating existing knowledge and integrating innovative, process-based monitoring approaches, the joint call further aims to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of environmental assessments.

Call Objectives

  1. Consolidating the Science Base for the implementation of MSFD
    • Build on the achievements of the first phase by integrating new findings with existing knowledge;
    • Enhance the scientific foundation supporting the MSFD to achieve its targets more effectively.
  2. Supporting an improved definition and measurement of Good Environmental Status
    • Specific research on scientific aspects that need further elaboration to better define and measure GES;
    • Develop and implement methodologies and strategies to better define and measure GES.
  3. Supporting the implementation of a process-based approach to GES
    • Define, apply and test process-based monitoring strategies and protocols across different sea basins to improve the relevance and quality of observations and data collection in MFSD with the aim of better using resources more efficiently;
    • Exploit existing and/or propose new augmented observation infrastructure(s) through joint international collaboration aiming to provide sustained common baseline information on key ecosystem parameters conducive to joint assessment on GES at the regional scale

Click here to read the Call text

  • Deadline for submitting proposals: 01.04.2025 - 17:00 CET
  • End of peer-review process: 01.06.2025
  • Inform positively ranked institutions: 05.06.2025
  • Start of projects: 01.09.2025
Funding partners
  • Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo), Belgium with € 300,000
  • Marine Institute (MI), Ireland with € 300,000
  • National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy with € 200,000
  • Science Malta (Xjenza Malta), Malta with € 150,000
Research Infrastructure Availability

Two research vessels are made available through in-kind contributions:

  • RV Gaia Blu (CNR, Italy) - 7 days available in 2026
  • RV Laura Bassi (OGS, Italy) - 5 days available in 2026

All proposals must be submitted electronically by the PROJECT COORDINATOR via the JPI Oceans website. The maximum length of proposals is 30 pages, and applications must be in English using the official application form for this call.


The call seeks to fund one single integrated project that demonstrates efficient collaboration and use of available resources across participating funding agencies.

The project consortium must include at least one eligible organisation from each participating funding partner country (Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and Malta). All participating organisations must be eligible for funding from their respective national funding partners as detailed in Annex I. "Self-funded partners including partners from countries (and/or regions) not participating in this call are allowed but do not contribute to the minimum eligible consortium size. No maximum number of partners is specified.