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From seaweed to bioplastics: Challenges and opportunities across the value chain.


From seaweed to bioplastics: Challenges and opportunities across the value chain.




  • Concluded



Jun 2023 - Jun 2024

Type of action

ERA-NET Cofund

Project Abstract

The objective of the project was to further increase the outreach and impact of the PlastiSea project through three targeted dissemination actions: 1) A scientific article summarizing key results along the value chain, with a holistic environmental perspective (LCA, supply chain aspects), 2) A factsheet that will be available on the project web site and distributed to stakeholders, and 3) A project video used for public outreach.

1) While the PlastiSea project had a large amount of scientific output, the consortium still had large amounts of unpublished data. Most of the already published papers targeted specific parts of the value chain, whereas through this dissemination project we wanted to give a more holistic overview of the value chain, showing important research findings and perspectives from raw material production to processing and product development, with a focus on environmental aspects. Through the PlastiSea_diss project, we published the article “A supply-chain perspective on producing and upscaling bioplastic from cultivated brown seaweed” in Journal of Cleaner Production, thus achieving the first objective of the project: 

2) The PlastiSea project has been widely presented at conferences and through various popular scientific and mass media, leading to many stakeholders (researchers, students, end users, etc.) reaching out for more information about the project. In the PlastiSea_diss project we prepared a factsheet summarizing the main objectives and results, including links to scientific output and contact details, to allow more efficient communication with enquiring stakeholders, and to distribute digitally (LinkedIn) as well as physically (printed copies at conferences etc.). The factsheet is available on the project website (under News). 

3) Complementing the factsheet, the consortium prepared a video summarizing the project, with great visuals from field and lab work by the different partners. The video can be found on the project website and has been distributed on the partners’ social media. It will further be used in various presentations.



Øystein Arlov, SINTEF AS