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Assessing the impacts of nodule mining on the deep-sea environment

  • 06 April 2021

Scientists of the JPI Oceans project “MiningImpact” are embarking on a 6-week expedition to the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific. Their goal is to carry out independent scientific monitoring of the test of a pre-prototype nodule collector machine conducted in parallel from a second vessel by the Belgian company Global Sea Mineral Resources (GSR).

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JPI Oceans new Strategy Framework officially launched

  • 26 March 2021

In a festive online event on 29 March, JPI Oceans launched its Strategy Framework 2021-25 and discussed its contributions to Horizon Europe, the UN Ocean Decade and other initiatives.

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New Facebook Live on chemical contaminants

  • 10 February 2021

As part of JPI Oceans’ Facebook Live series, the next session on 18 February will welcome Dr. Adam Lillicrap, coordinator of the JPI Oceans Knowledge Hub on the Integrated Assessment of New Pollutants, and will focus on the effects of chemical contaminants on the marine environment. Previous sessions are now also available on the website.

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Experts mused on science for good environmental status

  • 03 February 2021

The first expert workshop of JPI Oceans' Science for Good Environmental Status Joint Action took place virtually 2-4 December 2020, with the title ‘Musing on the concept of Good Environmental Status: the complexity of the status and the status of complexity’.

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MiningImpact plans presented at stakeholder info day

  • 03 February 2021

With over 150 attendees the online event offered an opportunity for information exchange and active engagement in the next research campaign of the MiningImpact project.

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Results of public consultation on Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership

  • 21 January 2021

The results of the online consultation on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Sustainable Blue Economy partnership are compiled in a brief draft report.

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MarTERA Call 2021

  • 20 January 2021

The MarTERA Cofund launched a fourth joint call for transnational research and innovation projects on on maritime and marine technologies with a total funding budget of EUR 8.5 million.

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JPI Oceans welcomes Niall McDonough as its new Chair

  • 15 December 2020

At their 7th meeting, the JPI Oceans AISBL members elected Dr. Niall McDonough as Chair of the JPI Oceans Management Board and re-appointed Dr. Joachim Harms as Vice-Chair.

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SONNE searching for microplastics

  • 10 December 2020

The research vessel SONNE will study plastic waste in the ocean in December 2020, to be part of the JPI Oceans HOTMIC project coordinated by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

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ERA-NET Cofund AquaticPollutants announces Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) Action

  • 08 December 2020

The TAP Action will run from January 2022 to December 2024, aiming to broaden and transfer knowledge on the characterization and transformation of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and methodologies to remediate and reduce these contaminants in aquatic ecosystems.

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