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Secondary bio-production of low trophic organisms utilizing side streams from the Blue and Green sectors to produce novel feed ingredients for European aquaculture.


Secondary bio-production of low trophic organisms utilizing side streams from the Blue and Green sectors to produce novel feed ingredients for European aquaculture.




  • Concluded



Jul 2023 - Dec 2023

Type of action

ERA-NET Cofund

The aim of this project was to disseminate results from the SIDESTREAM project which were not possible to present within the SIDESTREAM projects lifetime. The goal was to deliver seven oral presentations in the biggest aquaculture conference in Europe; Aquaculture Europe, where academia, industry, students and funding bodies are present and hence give such dissemination activities vast impact. There are no guarantees to be granted an oral presentation at these events, and the result in the end was 5 oral presentations and 2 ePosters from 6 different partners of the SIDESTERAM_DISS project, which we were really satisfied with. See also the section “Experiences” for more information. 

The project succeeded with reaching all set milestones and deliverables. To name a few, the most important ones were to present at the EAS (M1.3), make (M2.1) and distribute (D2.1) project leaflets, and to update and make available all of the SIDESTREAM and SIDESTREAM_DISS results on the project webpage and on each and all project partners institutional homepages. On a closing note, it should be mentioned that this FORSTERK project has contributed to strengthening the bond and collaboration between the consortium partners through the digital (2) and physical (2) planning meetings in advance of and midway through the conference. This has increased the interests for applying for new projects and writing applications together for all parts. As a result, the consortium has gathered forces around creating an EU-application.

The project contributed to strengthening the main project in such a way that five of the project partners from the main project were able to present their work which was acquired or realised late in the project, or even after the project ended, at one of the biggest aquaculture conferences in Europe; European Aquaculture Conference in Vienna, in front of a big audience. We also printed business cards with QR-codes routing recipients to the project webpage ( These cards were handed out to the audience of the presentations, and at the “ePoster viewing stations”. All dissemination actions in SIDESTREAM_DISS (abstracts for the scientific presentations and ePosters) were uploaded and hence made available to the public through our webpage, which saw an increase in number of visitors of 204 % I the period right after the conference. In sum, we presented 5 oral and 2 posters at the conference.



Andreas Hagemann, SINTEF Ocean AS