Defining the baselines and standards for microplastics analyses in European waters (BASEMAN)


Baseman Partners

Name Institute Country
Dr. Gunnar Gerdts Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Helgoland Germany
Marianne Olsen Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Oslo Norway
Dr. Dorte Herzke Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Tromsø Norway
Dr. Matthias Haeckel Helmholtz‐Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) Germany
Dr. Barbara Scholz‐Böttcher University of Oldenburg, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Environment (ICBM) Germany
Prof. Christian Laforsch University of Bayreuth (UBAY) Germany
Dr. Fabienne Lagarde University of Maine (IMMM), Le Mans France
Dr. João Frias Galway‐Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) Ireland
Dr. Maria Luiza Pedrotti Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (UPMC-LOV) France
Dr. Giuseppe Andrea de Lucia Istituto per lo Studio delle Macromolecole (CNR-IAMC) Italy
Dr. Inga Lips Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) Estonia
Prof. Paula Sobral FCT-NOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon Portugal
Dr. Jesus Gago Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Madrid Spain
Dr. Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo Universidade da Coruña (UDC)- Instituto Universitario de Medio Ambiente (IUMA), A Coruña Spain
Dr. Maria Granberg IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm Sweden
Prof. Martin Hassellöv University of Gothenburg (UGOT) Sweden
Dr. Tanja Kögel The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES), Bergen Norway
Dr. Ole Mallow Vienna University of Technology (VUT) Austria
Ms. Outi Setälä Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki Finland
Dr. Karsten Goede Rap.ID Particle Systems GmbH, Berlin Germany
Dr. Valentina Tirelli National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), Trieste Italy
Dr. Miguel Caetano Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), Lisbon Portugal
Dr. Marte Haave Uni Research, Bergen Norway
Dr. Benny Svardal Christian Michelsen Research AS (CMR), Bergen Norway



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