Changing Marine Lightscapes Co-Branded Call
The Joint Action on Changing Marine Lightscapes seeks to enhance knowledge and understanding of how artificial, and turbidity and eutrophication are changing marine lightscapes. After a one-year scoping process, the JPI Oceans Management Board adopted Changing Marine Lightscapes last autumn as a new Joint Action. The initiative addresses two sub-themes: coastal darkening of the ocean and pollution from artificial light at night, often nicknamed ALAN, from temporary or permanent light sources. Coastal darkening is both related to climate change effects such as increased rainfall, melting permafrost and glaciers, and human changes to catchments’ properties, erosion rates and eutrophication.
In March 2024, JPI Oceans pre-announced a Joint Call on Consequences of Changing Marine Lightscapes aiming to close critical gaps in understanding the drivers and ecological impacts of changing marine lightscapes resulting from both coastal darkening and artificial light at night. The call aims to align with the UN Ocean Decade's goal of fostering transformative and inclusive ocean science for sustainable development. It is accordingly co-branded with the UN Ocean Decade, meaning that funded projects will be endorsed Decade Actions. Such projects will implement a highly visible and shared research effort to understand in more detail the changes in lightening and darkening of the oceans. JPI Oceans, as a pan-European platform with a broad set of tools at hand, acts as facilitator in this transnational and multi-disciplinary cooperation.
Knowledge Hub on Blue Carbon
JPI Oceans’ Knowledge Hub on Blue Carbon, has been endorsed to contribute as the European regional hub (Euro-BC) to the Global Ocean – Blue Carbon (GO-BC) Decade programme. Euro-BC aims to facilitate knowledge transfer, strengthen collaborative efforts, and act as a conduit through which individual European Blue Carbon projects can connect to the global programme.
Following a one-year scoping process, the JPI Oceans Management Board had adopted Blue Carbon as a new Joint Action in autumn 2023, with Ireland as lead and France as co-lead. The Knowledge Hub aims to facilitate the synthesis, exchange, and integration of knowledge on blue carbon ecosystems across Europe, including Outermost Regions and Overseas Territories. It will establish a multidisciplinary network, develop accessible databases for habitat extent and carbon data, and ensure the data's FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This initiative underscores JPI Oceans' commitment to advancing ocean science, climate mitigation, and conservation in alignment with global initiatives like the UN Ocean Decade.
JPI Oceans’ Satellite Events at the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona
As Decade Implementing Partner since 2021, JPI Oceans is committed to aligning its ongoing and upcoming activities to the UN Ocean Decade's objectives, emphasising our dedication to driving collaborative research and innovation for the sustainable management of marine resources. On 8-12 April, JPI Oceans will be contributing to the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona with three satellite events:
Coastal futures: Charting priorities for coastal resilience, featuring the European Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise’ first assessment report, a joint effort between JPI Oceans and JPI Climate. 13:15-14:45, 11 April 2024, Sargasso Sea Room (131+132), Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB);
Blue Carbon Dialogue: Accelerating blue carbon-driven restoration and conservation actions, a blue carbon dialogue session, centred around the newly launched JPI Oceans Knowledge Hub on Blue Carbon. 08:30-09:45, 12 April 2024 Baltic Sea Room (122+123), Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB);
Listen to the Ocean, an off-site exhibit aiming to highlight existing and potential roles of underwater acoustics in ocean science and sustainability by highlighting the work of JPI Oceans’ Joint Action Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment, its projects and partners, and inspiring connections with the diverse interests of attendees. 9-12 April 2024, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.