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Advance Marine Research Infrastructures Together (AMRIT)

AMRIT aims to enhance ocean research infrastructures and establish a sustainable European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) through collaborative innovation and coordination.


AMRIT is a strategic European Research and Innovation Action (RIA) which brings together 26 partners across Europe to design and implement a fully integrated EOOS Technical Support Centre, ensuring seamless operation and coordination of marine observation platforms and data systems.




  • Ongoing



Mar 2024 - Feb 2028

Type of action

Strategic Engagement

Participating countries

United Kingdom

Advance Marine Research Infrastructures Together (AMRIT), launched in March 2024, is a 4-year RIA focused on strengthening and integrating Europe’s marine research infrastructures. Spearheaded by the Association pour la Recherche et le Développement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels (ARMINES) and supported by a consortium of 26 partners, AMRIT aims to address the fragmentation in ocean observing systems by creating a robust and sustainable framework for the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS). At its core, AMRIT seeks to design and develop an EOOS Technical Support Centre (TSC), which will serve as a central hub for coordinating and optimising the operations of various marine observation platforms, ensuring that data is efficiently collected, managed, and utilised across Europe. 

Learn more about AMRIT


The Marine Research Infrastructures (MRIs) focused on ocean observing (EMSO, EURO-ARGO and ICOS ERICs; EuroFleets+, EuroGO-Ship, GROOM RI, JERICO RI and MINKE as INFRA projects) are the main providers of in situ ocean data. AMRIT gathers these MRIs to provide effective cross-coordination towards four key objectives: 

  • ensure seamless operation of marine observation platforms;
  • ensure the full nominal use of sensors and accelerate their evolution;
  • exploit the complementarity of the various observation platforms;
  • ensure the overall coherence of the ocean data value chain.  
JPI Oceans’ role in AMRIT

JPI Oceans mainly contributes to the design of a federal structure for an EOOS Technical Support Centre (TSC) and ensure its prolonged sustainability, including its funding model. Finding options to secure the long-term sustainability of the TSC is essential for the benefit of the marine community. JPI Oceans is also participating in the project’s communication, dissemination, and exploitation efforts.  

Why is this important?

AMRIT is a well-appreciated opportunity for advancing Europe’s capacity to observe and understand the ocean, a vital component in addressing global challenges such as climate change and sustainable resource management. By fostering collaboration among European MRIs and creating a unified EOOS Technical Support Centre, AMRIT will reduce inefficiencies, enhance data quality, and strengthen Europe’s leadership in global ocean science. This project not only supports the long-term sustainability of EOOS, but also lays the foundation for innovative research that will benefit both policymakers and the scientific community.