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European Ocean Observing System

The European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) framework promotes ocean observing in Europe by means of collaboration, coordination and integration among the relevant key people, institutions and facilities. JPI Oceans chairs a Resource Forum for EOOS.


The European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) is a coordinating framework for European in-situ ocean observing. EOOS brings together Europe’s diverse ocean observing communities to promote collaboration, strengthen coordination and integration, and promote sustainability in ocean observing in Europe. JPI Oceans chairs the EOOS framework’s Resource Forum.






    Nov 2019 - Dec 2027

    Type of action

    Strategic Engagement

    External partners

    JPI Oceans

    EC services

    Participating countries

    United Kingdom

    In 2019 the JPI Oceans Management Board agreed that JPI Oceans will chair the European Ocean Observation System (EOOS) frameworks’ Resource Forum. EOOS is a coordinating framework for European in-situ ocean observing, bringing together Europe’s diverse ocean observing communities to promote collaboration, strengthen coordination and integration, and promote sustainability in ocean observing in Europe to advance scientific understanding about our ocean and attract maritime innovation and development. 

    By 2030, the European ocean observing community and networks will work seamlessly together to deliver the essential ocean information needed for the sustainable use of our ocean’s resources.


    EOOS vision 

    By 2030, EOOS will make ocean observation a public utility in Europe, by strengthening coordination, strategy and sustainability in ocean observation. This will be achieved with an operational implementation cycle that connects Europe’s ocean-observing community and offers regular opportunities for stakeholder input to evaluate, co-design and fund capability. Putting the needs of users at its centre, EOOS will promote European leadership and innovation delivering crucial data to drive environmental policy, the blue economy and serve wider society. 

    EOOS objectives 

    • Connect all of Europe’s ocean observing communities and stakeholders - EOOS stakeholders are the multiple organizations operating, supporting and maintaining ocean observation and monitoring infrastructures. 
    • Maximise the value and benefit of European ocean observing, producing knowledge, goods and services to serve society. 
    • Be stakeholder driven. 
    • Be efficient and fit-for-purpose as an integral part of the global ocean and wider earth observing system. 
    • Be constantly innovative and adaptable. 
    • Be sustainable, helping secure long-term financial investment from multiple stakeholders towards sustained ocean observing infrastructures supporting better sustainable management of the ocean. 
    EOOS Resource Forum

    The EOOS Resource Forum represents the funders and resource providers of ocean observing and supports sustained continuity of ocean observing in Europe. The Forum is chaired by JPI Oceans. The key responsibilities of the Resources Forum are to: 

    • engage with the EOOS framework process 
    • advise on strategies for long-term funding of ocean observations 
    • communicate relevant strategic funding opportunities for EOOS 
    • enable the EOOS implementation plan where relevant and practicable 
    • advise about changes in the funding landscape at European and international level 
    • identify shared priorities and advise on the EOOS added value
    Why is this important?

    High-quality, continuous ocean observation data provide the basis for advancing scientific understanding and attracting maritime innovation and development. The European Ocean Observation System (EOOS) will promote collaboration, strengthen coordination and integration to advance scientific understanding about our ocean and attract maritime innovation and development.