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JPI Oceans partners and Brazil fund five international joint projects of cutting.edge research on microplastics in the oceans

  • 30 September 2019

Five projects are selected for funding to conduct research on sources of microplastics, methods for identifying smaller micro- and (nano-) plastics and monitoring their circulation in marine systems and their effects thereon.

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Contaminants of emerging concern discussed at World Water Week

  • 09 September 2019

On 28th August 2019, during World Water Week in Stockholm, JPI Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR), JPI Oceans, Water JPI joined forces to discuss water contaminants during a showcase with approximately 50 international participants.

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AquaticPollutants Cofund acceppted by the European Commission

  • 19 July 2019

The consortium consisting of 32 partner institutions from the three Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) has been invited to sign the Grant Agreement.

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Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security

  • 08 July 2019

The Knowledge Hub (KH) on Food and Nutrition Security of the JPI HDHL, JPI OCEANS and FACCE-JPI, under the umbrella of ERA-Net Cofund ERA-HDHL has been established and the first network meeting was held on the 7th of June 2019 in Brussels.

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MiningImpact project partners publish new study in Scientific Reports

  • 26 June 2019

The publication shows that the impacts of seabed mining on deep-sea ecosystems can persist for decades.

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Concerns over water contaminants discussed at World Water Week

  • 25 June 2019

On 28 August JPI Oceans joins forces with JPIs Water and Antimicrobial Resistance for World Water Week in Stockholm.

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Are you an All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador?

  • 18 June 2019

JPI Oceans is searching for one All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador that will be invited to take part in an All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors Summer School 23 – 27 August 2019, in Galway, Ireland. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered.

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Preparation of UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development kicks off

  • 28 May 2019

The first Global Planning Meeting in Copenhagen catalysed international commitments and sets in motion full year of preparatory activities across regions.

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The BlueBio Cofund completes its selection of pre-proposals

  • 09 April 2019

Following the recommendation of the evaluation panel and upon decision of the Call Steering Committee 35 pre-proposals have been invited to submit a full proposal by 17 September 2019.

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JPI Oceans MiningImpact research expedition heads to sea

  • 08 April 2019

The German research vessel RV SONNE has just left port in Manzanillo, Mexico, for the second leg of a 14-week long research cruise to the Clarion-Clipperton fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Northeast Pacific.

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