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MINKE - Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network

The EU-funded MINKE project integrated key European marine metrology research infrastructures and proposed an innovative framework of 'quality of oceanographic data' for European actors who are monitoring and managing marine ecosystems.


MINKE is an Integrating and Opening Research Infrastructures of European Interest (INFRAIA) project that brings together 16 key European marine metrology research infrastructures to coordinate their use and development and propose an innovative framework of ‘quality of oceanographic data’ for the different European actors in charge of monitoring and managing the EOVs (Essential Ocean Variables) and marine ecosystems.




  • Ongoing

MINKE is a Horizon 2020 network project, funded from the INFRAIA call. It is a start-up community, and as such, in the first stage of establishing an infrastructure community/project on European scale.  

The project builds on a JPI Oceans Joint Action "Marine Sensors Calibration Network", which was established in 2016 and concluded in 2021. JPI Oceans' engagement in this area is continued as one of the partners in MINKE.

The MINKE Project has launched two key calls as part of its efforts to support marine metrology and data quality improvement. The 1st Call was announced in 2021, offering Transnational Access (TNA) to cutting-edge marine infrastructures across Europe. Following the success of this, the 2nd Call opened in 2023, continuing to provide free access to research facilities aimed at enhancing collaboration and improving the accuracy of oceanographic data. These calls focus on fostering cross-border cooperation for better marine ecosystem management.


The main objectives of MINKE are to integrate key European marine metrology research infrastructures, to coordinate their use, and develop and propose an innovative framework of “quality of oceanographic data” for the different European actors in charge of monitoring and managing marine ecosystems.  


JPI Oceans plays a pivotal role in MINKE by leveraging its expertise and established connections to enhance collaboration and knowledge transfer across European marine research infrastructures. Building on its previous Joint Action, European Marine Sensors Calibration Network, and through its Strategic Engagements, JPI Oceans continues to support the project by fostering synergies, namely by: 

  • Developing a methodology for MSFD monitoring by aligning MINKE objectives with the transnational European Joint Action S4GES, enhancing the measurement of key ocean parameters for improved assessment of Good Environmental Status. 

  • Initiating a scoping process on ocean oxygen measurements, laying the groundwork for an initiative to advance the development and application of dissolved oxygen monitoring. 

By carrying out these strategic actions, JPI Oceans strengthens MINKE’s capacity to drive innovation, improve metrological standards, and support evidence-based policy making in marine ecosystem management. 


Integrating key European marine metrology research infrastructures gives researchers improved access to necessary research infrastructures. More integrated resources at European level enable cutting edge and multidisciplinary research and widen the user community. Improved services widen the sharing of information and technologies across fields, between academia and non-academic stakeholders, increasing the potential for innovation and partnerships with industry and contributions to evidence-based policy making. 

Why is this important?

Society needs to get the most out of its investment in research and innovation. Better integration and access to infrastructure and knowledge-based resources is key to an improved management of the continuous flow of data collected and produced. This makes for better science and increases the ability of research to contribute to major societal challenges.