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Joint Actions

The central implementation mechanism of JPI Oceans is that of Joint Actions. They are formed around topics that fall under JPI Oceans’ thematic scope and contribute to its goals. They are supported by the interest and commitment of several member or associated countries under the leadership of one or co-leadership of several member countries and have developed a concept for implementation, including plans for resourcing, outcomes and impact.

Current Joint Actions


Blue Bioeconomy

The BlueBio ERA-NET Cofund aims to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy. It consists of 30 partners from 17 countries and is the result of a collaboration between JPI Oceans and the former ERA-NETS COFASP and ERA MBT.

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    Science for Good Environmental Status

    The Knowledge Hub constitutes a multi-national expert group that coordinates research and innovation to enable countries to assess and achieve Good Environmental Status.

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