Current Joint Actions
Aquatic Pollutants
In an unprecedented collaboration, the three JPIs on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance, together with European Commission aim to tackle one of the most pressing issues facing society – the presence of pollutants and pathogens in water resources.
- Ongoing
Blue Bioeconomy
The BlueBio ERA-NET Cofund aimed to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy. It consisted of 30 partners from 17 countries, and launched a total of four calls funding 49 projects. Since 2024, JPI Oceans is following up the funded projects and activities.
- Ongoing
Sea Level Rise
The Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise is a joint effort between JPI Climate and JPI Oceans operating as a networking platform facilitating the interaction between research and policy on sea level rise.
- Ongoing
Past Joint Actions
Ecological Aspects of Microplastics
The Joint Action Ecological Aspects of Microplastics was launched as one of JPI Oceans’ pilot activities, to study the sources, distribution and impact of microplastics in the marine environment.
- Concluded
Food and Nutrition Security
The Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security was established to foster transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration and networking in order to accelerate, further characterize and manage the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and to propose adaptive strategies to secure food and nutrition.
- Concluded
Intercalibration for Water Framework Directive
The scientific intercalibration exercise for the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) brought together scientific experts to perform required analyses in the most cost-efficient way.
- Concluded
Multi Use of Infrastructure for Monitoring
The pilot action Multi use of Infrastructure for Monitoring in the North Sea developed pilot studies to test on current monitoring activities and resulted in a workshop between scientists and funding bodies in 2013 and additional monitoring during various International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) cruises in 2014.
- Concluded
Munition in the Sea
The Knowledge Hub on Munition in the Sea constituted a multi-national expert group which assessed risks, defined priorities and suggested intervention options concerning legacy munitions in the marine environment, resulting in the launch of an information portal on munition in the sea in 2024.
- Concluded
Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability
The Belmont Forum, JPI Oceans and Future Earth joined forces for a Collaborative Research Action (CRA) on Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability, resulting in a joint call funding 13 projects.
- Concluded